Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Prilepin's Chart Visualized

One of the main tenant's of programming for strength training, muscle building, or any training in general is that the weight you do, the number of reps, and the number of sets all matter. The training effect and therefore result depend on exactly how you train. These charts are an example of A. S. Prilepin's scientific and anecdotal experience of the best rep/set combinations to train strength, or to train certain abilities relating to Russian Olympic weightlifters.

Keep in Mind that it is just a guide, but it really helps to understand that we should be thinking about how much weight we use, AND how we distribute the reps we do.

Percentages are of a theoretical or tested 1 rep max of the given movement.

chart for strength building:

chart including other rep-ranges, and therefore other qualities (Hypertrophy and Endurance):

Honestly, I cannot find reliable sources for this data, and if you see below both versions are called very generally "Prilepin's Chart". Still, if you are training for strength and your rep/set split is outside of one of the shaded areas in the first graph, or you are training for another quality and you are outside of a shaded area in the second graph, maybe step back and think why.


other places it is discussed:

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